Disaster And Emergency Preparedeness

Preparing Yourself and Your Family for Disaster

Disaster prep is essential for all individuals that live in the danger zone of potential danger. The different hazard and emergency situation include earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and landslides. How robust your organization would be if calamity struck? A satellite communication system can be relied on when cellular or landline communications are down.

Best ways to prepare for disaster

For those who live along the Atlantic coast or in the gulf area, hurricanes and tropical storms pose a real threat. The hurricane season runs from June through November, so it’s especially important during these times that people have the proper provisions and plans in place in case one does ever hit their area. People are often ready with extra canned food and water, but not prepared for the communication need that will likely arise.

Clear Communication

Everyone in the organisation must be notified in the event of a disaster. To effectively manage an emergency, all workers must be on the same page - this includes medical, legal, government affairs, and facilities management, among others.


Comprehensive training

Community involvement is another crucial thing to consider when putting together a training programme. Local ambulance services, police, and fire departments may assume full cooperation from healthcare facilities, but such organisations often have other responsibilities in the event of a natural disaster. The importance of establishing their function during emergency management training cannot be overstated.

Knowledge of assets

When faced with a disaster, many individuals panic. This creates a significant burden on government agencies and other local resources to give aid to those affected by a large-scale disaster. Hospitals cannot rely on outside assistance. Prior to any natural disaster, healthcare facilities must inventory their assets in order to understand their capabilities and constraints.

Technology fail-safes and protocol:

A medical records department can be found in every hospital. To function on a daily basis, those departments require a specific amount of physical space, as well as access to files and software systems. What happens if a disaster occurs, knocking software systems offline and restricting access to records? What will the hospital's operating procedures be? Unfortunately, healthcare facilities sometimes wait until a tragedy has occurred before attempting to solve a problem, wasting valuable time in the process. It's critical to recognise these criteria so that alternate solutions can be developed before any of them are disturbed by calamity.

Best Emergency Satellite Phones For Disaster Prep​

Iridium 9555 Satellite Phone front

Iridium 9555 Kit
iridium emergency plan:

The Iridium 9555 is the ultimate go-to satellite phone for all emergency responders. If you are looking for a satellite phone for your basic talk and text needs this is the best option.

Explorer 710

At the forefront of a new era of high speed ultra-portable satellite streaming BGAN terminal, EXPLORER 710 is a sophisticated communication tool for broadcasting and other IP based industry applications. EXPLORER 710 provides streaming rates over 650 kbps out of the box, when using new high data rate streaming.With EXPLORER 710, you can leverage the fastest on-demand video streaming via satellite with guaranteed QoS to enhance the quality of live broadcasts and remote communication.

Cobham Explorer 710


Most frequent questions and answers

When any disaster strikes, whether it be a hurricane, flood, domestic terrorism, tornado, or fire, the situation has the potential to create chaos and confusion. Effective disaster preparedness helps alleviate some of the chaos wrought by the unexpected crisis. It is critical to have a written plan in place.

  1. Prevention
  2.  Mitigation
  3. Preparedness
  4. Recovery
  5. Response
  1. Protect yourself from high winds and flooding
  2. Safe places during a hurricane
  3. Don’t leave shelter
  4. Don’t use electrical appliances
  5. Don’t take a bath or shower during the storm

Clear communication, Comprehensive training, Knowledge of assets, Technology fail-safes, and protocol, Healthcare leadership involvement.


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